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Sync Deadlines to a Calendar

How to add important admin events to an external calendar

Updated over 4 months ago

In Small Improvements, there are deadlines for various things such as when to write your feedback or when your license is expiring. This integration adds all-important dates directly into your calendar.

You can also up a 1:1 Meetings Calendar Integration with Google Cal and Outlook (Office 365).


An account Admin can find a calendar link by clicking into their user profile menu (upper right corner, hover over your profile pic) and then select Your Settings.

We have collected links to how to add the calendar in some of the most popular calendars.

Generate a new Calendar Link

The link to your calendar is accessible by anyone who knows it. We have made it difficult to guess the link by using a long sequence of random characters. However, if you have shared it with someone and would like to revoke their access, then you will have to generate a new link. To do this, visit your settings page and press the Generate New button.

Note that generating a new link will cause your current integration to break. So you will have to add your calendar in your calendar software once again.

What information is posted in the Calendar?

Your account information

  • Your account license expiry date


  • The deadline for staff to update objective statuses

  • The edit deadline in objective cycle for managers

  • The status deadline in objective cycle of managers

360 Feedback:

  • The nomination date for staff to nominate reviewer in 360 feedback

  • The manager approval date for 360 nominations

  • The deadline for staff to write 360 feedback

  • The release date for 360 feedback to managers

  • The cycle end-date for 360 feedback cycle

Performance Reviews

  • The deadline for staff to share reviews

  • The deadline for managers to write manager-assessments

  • The deadline for managers to share manager-assessments

  • The deadline for staff to make final edits to their self-assessment

  • The deadline for managers to continue editing the manager assessment


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