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[1:1 Meetings] FAQs
Updated over 2 months ago

Why isn’t my calendar integration working?

Meetings from your calendar will only sync to Small Improvements if all of the following are true:

  • The event must be with just one other person

  • That person must be a member of your Small Improvements account

  • The meeting must have keywords or punctuation in the event title (like 1:1 or <>). The default keywords are: /, <>, one-on-one, 1on1, 1:1, one-to-one, but your admin team may customize these.

Please see here for more troubleshooting suggestions.

Can we use the 1:1 meetings tool for meetings with more than two participants?

Our tool is designed to be used for 1:1 meetings in the truest sense of the word, but we understand that additional visibility is sometimes required. You can follow these instructions to share meetings with additional users, who will be able to contribute to the meeting notes but not to the agenda and action items.

Can I set up recurring 1:1 meetings?

Yes! Navigate to “Automations” and follow these steps.

I am an HR Admin. Why can't I see an employee's meetings?

By default, 1:1 meetings are only visible to participants. To change the visibility settings for 1:1 meetings at the account level, toggle to your Admin view and go to 1:1 Meetings, then navigate to the Settings tab. From there, you can toggle the visibility settings. Please note that this will not apply retroactively, so meeting participants will need to share any existing 1:1 meetings with you manually.

Why can't my employees see the meeting templates I created as an HR Admin?

Please note that templates created by an admin will not show up under "Personal Templates" in the "Employee" view, but employees should still be able to access your shared templates.

Meeting participants can use the "Use a Template" drop-down menu when creating a new meeting:

Or if the meeting has already been created, participants can select "Use a template" here:

Can I see each employee's overall meeting statistics, not just for meetings between the employee and their direct manager?

Yes! In your Admin view under 1:1 Meetings > Insights, change the "Meeting Participants" filter from "Managers and direct reports" to "All employees".

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