If you didn’t add participants during the setup, it’s no problem to do so later on.
Note that new employees won’t automatically be added to a cycle. Follow these steps to get their review started.
Head to the cycle overview page and click Add employees.
You’ll be prompted to select from the available list:
If you want an upward feedback cycle with only managers, click the “Managers” link. To conduct a cycle of people who are not managers, click the “Non-managers” link.
Adding a subset of employees
Maybe you’d like to have a targeted feedback cycle with specific departments or locations. Set that up on the selection page, by clicking the List view. You’ll be able to sort by department and use the magic column to sort by location, hiring date, team or title.
Removing employees from a feedback cycle
On the main overview page, click the menu next to “View,” then click “Delete.” Deleting a review will also erase all content written so far. This content can’t be recovered, so you’ll be asked to enter a confirmation before the deletion is final.