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[360 Feedback] Exporting Feedback
[360 Feedback] Exporting Feedback
Updated over 4 months ago

Our export feature allows you to easily export the results from a 360° feedback cycle. PDFs are useful if you want to archive them or just have a hard copy available for a meeting. The Excel file can help with data analysis.

You’ll start your export on the 360 Administration page. When it’s complete, the file (or files) will be available on your homepage and on Latest Exports (Administration > Latest Exports).

PDF Export

Select Export all reviews as PDFs in the admin menu dropdown

Select the perspective for the export in the dialog that will follow. What the different perspectives mean depends on your cycle settings.


  • HR: The whole feedback and who wrote it will be exported.

  • Reviewee: If the reviewee is not allowed to view the feedback an empty feedback will be exported. Depending on the Feedback Cycle settings the feedback might or might not be anonymous.

  • Manager: If the manager is not allowed to view the feedback an empty feedback will be exported. Depending on the Feedback Cycle settings the feedback might or might not be anonymous.

  • Not anonymous: The whole feedback and who wrote it will be exported. Unlike in the HR perspective the As seen by information will not be included in the exported PDFs.

Press Export in the the dialog. When the export is ready, you’ll find it on your Homepage and on Latest Exports (Settings > Latest Exports).

It can take up to 10 minutes for the PDF export to complete if you have a lot of participants. We’ll group the PDF exports into groups of 50, to make them easier to download.

Excel / CSV Export

Select Export all reviews as PDFs in the admin menu dropdown

Choose your export format

  • Statistics Ordered By Reviewee: generates a report of statistics about each reviewee (review status, number of reviews completed, etc)

  • Statistics Ordered By Reviewer: generates a report of statistics about each reviewer (reviews completed, reviews declined, etc)

  • Full Content: Exports all the content of the cycle, based on the columns you select.

Choose which columns to include. This will be an Excel file, so you’ll be able to sort and manipulate your data however you want. For example, if you only wanted to see the 360s for a specific department, include the “Department” column, then sort the file in Excel to see just those reviews.

You can select which types of questions you want to export. The export will include all the questions from the content types you select. Each question and answer gets its own column in your Excel file, so it’s easy to delete the ones you don’t want.

Pick your format: Excel (.xls) or Comma Delimited (.csv)

Click Export. When the export is ready, you’ll find it on your Homepage and on Latest Exports (Administration > Latest Exports).

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