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[Performance Reviews] Automations
[Performance Reviews] Automations

Automate the creation of Performance Review cycles based on a schedule. *This is a Beta feature and may change before the official launch.

Updated over 3 months ago

How it works

Automated Performance Review cycles are based on existing review cycles. We’ll copy the questionnaire, sharing options, and timeline settings from your template cycle. You’ll use the automation to set the cadence and participants.

Create your Automation

Start by clicking the trigger. Note that you can only select “Regular Schedule” at this time.

Set the schedule

Start: This is the date the first scheduled review cycle will begin. Set this date for a time in the future.

Frequency: How often do you want this cycle to repeat? Currently, the only option is a number of months. Your cycle will start on the same date each time it repeats. So, for example, if your first cycle starts on the 15th of the month, new cycles will always start on the 15th of the month.

End: This is an option end date. Note that this is the date your cycles will stop repeating, not the date each individual cycle will end.

Note that upcoming cycles will be created 7 days before they start. This means they appear in the administrative list and are visible to HR Admins and Assistants. They will not be visible to employees until the Cycle Start date.

Select your employees

You can select the entire company, specific departments or locations, or specific employees. You can also exclude people from the cohort if, for example, you want to review just the employees and not the manager.

If you select the entire company, any new employees will be automatically added to the next cycle created after they’re hired. People added to new departments or locations will be automatically added to new cycles for those departments or locations.

Cycle Configuration

Cycle Name: Give your recurring cycle a name. This name will be used each time the cycle is created, so we recommend not including a date in the name. Some suggestions:

  • [Department Name] Annual Review

  • All Company Semi-annual Review

  • Remote employee 6-month check-in

Review Base Cycle: Select the cycle that will be used as a template. The recurring cycle will include the questionnaire, sharing settings, timeline, and notifications used in the cycle you select.

You can also send an automatic launch email when the cycle starts. Toggle the switch to enable.

Preview the timeline

You’ll see a preview of the next scheduled cycle. Note that we add the month and year to the cycle’s title.

The timeline is based on your template cycle. We use the Cycle Start date as a guide and set the subsequent deadlines based on that date.

For example, if your original cycle allowed a 2-week Reviewee Deadline, your new cycle will give reviewees a 2-week writing deadline.

Name your automation and save

Give your automation a name. You can use the same name you gave the cycle. Just make sure it’s descriptive enough that you can find it later.

Then, you can save it as a draft, or, if you’re ready, save it and launch the automation.

Find your automation

Your automations are listed alphabetically, so it’s important to give each one a descriptive title. You can disable your automation without deleting it and make edits if you need. Use the trash can icon to delete it permanently.

Things to keep in mind

Changes you make to the original template cycle will affect future review cycles. If you change the questionnaire in the template cycle, any new cycles will have that edited questionnaire. Any cycles that have already been created will remain as-is.

Each cycle repeat is created 7 days before it starts. The new cycle appears in the administrative list, visible only to HR Admins and Assistants. In that 7-day period, your HR team can make edits to the cycle; those edits only affect that specific cycle. New cycles will follow the original template.

We do not notify HR Admins when the cycle is created and recommend that you monitor your cycle list for any changes.

And finally, this is a Beta feature. We expect to make changes to the way it works. You may also encounter bugs or unexpected behavior.

Reach out to us if you run into issues or if you have any questions or suggestions!

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